วันจันทร์ที่ 20 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

BestSeller LiquiDynamics Emergency Vent - UL Listed Model 901946

LiquiDynamics Emergency Vent - UL Listed Model 901946

LiquiDynamics Emergency Vent - UL Listed, Model# 901946

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This 3 emergency vent is used on 275-gallon oil storage tanks to maintain UL listing for the storage system If tank becomes engulfed in fire vent opens to prevent rupture USA Inlet Size in 3 Tank Type Storage Tank Size gal 275 Vent has 8 ozsq in opening pressure with 59900 CFH LiquiDynamics Emergency Vent - UL Listed, Model# 901946 Do not Miss!!

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